Pump Stations

The Ernst Schnittker GmbH develops and produces a range of pump stations, for e.g.:

  • Diesel oil pumps.
  • Sludge oil pumps.
  • Booster pump station including pressure tanks and filters.
  • Food Waste pump stations.
  • Waste Water pump stations.
  • Vacuum pump stations.

Together with our customers we are defining the special needs of each customer. This gives us the requirements to which we are engineering and designing each component.

We clarify with customer the available space and rooms, and then we design the components, to use the given space most economical.

With our long experience, especial the vast variety of waste water and food waste ingredients (for e.g.  forks, knifes, abrasive solids) we design, produce and deliver machines which process 100% reliable.

Vacuum pumps enable us to transport the food waste and liquids more than 200m horizontal and up to 12m vertical. By using special coatings inside the vacuum pumps we reach very long life times. With a proven arrangement of pre separation tanks and filters we are separating the Food Waste and liquids from the air.


P Booster Pump
P Sludge oil pump
P Food Waste Pump
P Pumpstation